Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect on my first visit?

A full health history will be taken during your initial exam. Questions will be asked about your current symptoms and lifestyle, as well as your past. We may conduct a physical exam, depending upon your condition. This information will then be used to determine an accurate and comprehensive Oriental Medicine diagnosis.


Does it hurt?

You may feel a slight pinch, like a mosquito bite, as the needle is inserted. This sensation should subside almost immediately. During the treatment, you may feel tingling, heaviness, distention, or warmth at the site of the needle insertion, or along the acupuncture meridian. This is an indication of the therapeutic effects of the treatment.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments will usually depend on the duration and severity of the condition. Some ailments may be treated within two or three visits, others may take a few months. Preventative wellness treatments are recommended seasonally.

Is it safe?

Yes, all needles are sterilized and disposed of after a single use.
